+ RSI-TC Forex indicator technique (MT4)

The technical indicator MT4 + RSI-TC is based on a combined indicator RSI a BB indicator Squeeze (based on the difference between Bollinger bands (Mobile Average shifted according to the Standard Deviation) and the bands of the channel Keltner (moving average offset based on a multiple of the Average True Range)).

Points + RSI-TC (defined by BB Squeeze) identify highly volatile markets.


+ RSI-TC.mq4

Exchange Broker - Broker Online : Platform Metatrader MT4 Trading

Interpretation Signals And Rules Of Trading

* Buy signal: bullish market
. The line-TC + RSI crosses down the oversold level and then passes again on the rise this level - Trend bullish
. Line + RSI-TC breaks upward level 50 - bullish trend
. Divergence bullish: the price is down (again above lower) and the indicator RSI-TC + up (new higher low) .A correction to the price increase is expected - Trend bullish

* Sale signal : bearish market
. The line-TC + RSI crosses upwards the overbought level and then passes back to lower that level - trend bearish
. The line-TC + RSI crosses down the 50 level - trend bearish
. Divergence bearish: the price is rising (higher lows) and TC + RSI-indicator down (above down) .A downward correction of prices is expected - Trend bearish

Read more about the rules and trading signals:
Bourse - Trader Indicator TrendRSI v3
Exchange - Trader BBands Stop v1
Exchange - Trader RSI

Graph Exchange - trading Analysis

Trade Example
Exchange - forex Currency trading
Symbol EUR / USD
Time Frame: D1 Daily - Daily
